
Osaka International School

Elementary School Co-curricular Activities Programme 2010-2011


Text Box: BLOCK 2   October 25th – December 10th , 2010



Dear Parents,


Elementary school activities will continue with Block 2 for students in grade 1-5 on Monday October 25th, 2010. Clubs will run from 3:35pm to 4:25pm (and the Activity Bus will depart at 4:35pm from the genkan). The exception to this rule will be Early Bird Club on Fridays which will begin at 8:00am.


All students should identify their preferences priority (#1, #2, #3). Students in grades 3-5 may take 2 clubs and this should also be clearly indicated on the reply slip.


Please understand that we will try to accommodate all students in their requested clubs, but where clubs are oversubscribed we may need to limit numbers. Similarly, clubs with insufficient enrollment will be cancelled. If your son/daughter signs up for a particular activity we please ask that they do everything possible to attend the sessions as places may be limited and non attendance might mean that the place could have been used by someone else. Many thanks in advance for your co-operation with this.


Please return the reply slip to the School Business Office (2F) by 10:00am on Wednesday October20th, 2010. We will of course accept applications later than that but it might not guarantee you get your first choice activity.


We sincerely hope that your child will enjoy the experience and appreciate the additional work all our activity leaders have done to make these activities available.


If you have ay questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email or telephone.


Kind Regards,


Simon Parker

Athletics and Activities Director

Senri Osaka international School



Osaka International School

Elementary School Co-curricular Activities Programme 2010-2011


Some of the main objectives:



To help you plan your schedule these are the block dates for the year! I hope we can get as many students as possible to come along and enjoy the fun!!


BLOCK 1   September 13th - October 23rd, 2010


BLOCK 2   October 25th – December 3rd, 2010


BLOCK 3   January 24th – March 4th, 2011


BLOCK 4   April 11th – May 20th, 2011


BLOCK 5   May 23rd – June 24th, 2011


As well as the block system, there are some clubs which run continuously throughout the year. They are as listed below and places can be reserved in these activities (subject to availability) by contacting the Activities Office here at school.
